“I am NOT ASHAMED of the Gospel for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16
Hello friends! I’m taking a break from my normal weekly message to tell you some BIG NEWS about this ministry! As you know I’m the lead pastor of Gospel Ministries and I work hard every week to bring you life-changing content that communicates the Gospel, proves the TRUTH of the Bible AND engages culture with Biblical values. So here’s the BIG news …
I’m officially offering a SUBSCRIPTION service! 👏 It’s a simple way for people to partner with this me for a small donation of only $7 per month! Your subscription gives you EXCLUSIVE content through my website that is ONLY available to subscribers. In addition, you’re helping me continue doing the work of ministry in our community and elsewhere. As you know, helping others experience, demonstrate and share God’s great Gospel is a group effort. So please to a moment to consider partnering with me in this work that God has given me. It’s super easy and here’s how …
Just go to pastoraj.com and click “subscribe” like this 👇

Then just select your subscription plan and fill in your payment information. That’s it! Gospel Ministries is a tax exempt 501c3 organization and all gifts are tax deductible. If you’d like to contribute with a larger monthly amount you can become a business partner and I’ll share your business on my social media accounts! Thanks SO MUCH for considering this partnership! I truly couldn’t do it without you and we’re making a difference together!!
Pastor AJ