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Writer's picturePastor AJ

What Do We Make of "Ex-Christians"?

I look at the culture today and think about the beautiful challenge of navigating through the fog of media, hearsay, etc. to the truth. The truth of who we are, where we came from, and where we're going as people. It's challenging in our world today because deception is so easily encountered that often times, it disguises the truth. That's a pretty scary reality. But the journey to the truth is so incredibly magnificent and glorious because we get lead to the one true constant that has always been! Jesus Christ, the son of God, is the only one who can be considered 100% reliable without a single hint of doubt. Lately, we have been hearing about some big Christian names walk away from the Lord. Although they, in their hearts, may feel like they are drifting away, God always has a bigger plan. When you accept God into your heart and allow him to lead you, then there's nothing that can separate you from that! It's a false reality that God will leave you. Unfortunately, many people have spread deceit and because of their influence, some people may question what they are choosing to believe in. I'm here to let you know that Jesus created you and knew you before you were even born. He formed you and made your personality to his liking. More importantly, he has equipped you with the knowledge and wisdom to understand his word which will aid you in living a life full of joy and peace. I don't know about you, but I could use as much positivity as possible. The best news is that it's totally free! All you have to do is admit that you're a sinner and you need Jesus to save you - because the truth is... that's what every single person needs! The Bible tells us that we all fall short of the glory of God and that's what makes following Jesus so special. Knowing that we mess up every single day, but yet he will always love us and provide us with the gift of eternal life. I encourage you to seek the truth of Jesus and view the unfolding of your new life in him. Be blessed!

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