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Writer's picturePastor AJ

RUIN Your Racism

Verse for the Week: "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility."Ephesians 2:14-16

Study Reference for Small Groups: Joshua 2-6 & Ephesians 2:11-22

Have you ever seen the YouTube science experiment hit that had everyone blowing up 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke with Mentos? In a matter of seconds, once a Mento was placed into the 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke, the liquid would fizz up and shoot in the air, emptying the entire bottle with just one piece of candy. In Joshua 2-6, we see the Israelites bring RUIN to the wall of Jericho when the soldiers decided to march around it as the Lord commanded. A prostitute named Rahab was in fear of the RUIN that was to come to her city, so she spared the lives of the spies who were sent there and defied the King’s order to bring them out. In return, she and all who belonged to her were spared from the destruction.In culture today, we see the everyday struggles that try to RUIN our mindsets. At times, it comes at us way too easily because many of us react to what’s on the surface and we let it affect us in ways that are unhealthy, much like how quickly the Diet Coke responds to the Mentos. On the flip side, we also experience how difficult it may be because it takes enormous mental strength to tear down our own walls and not follow the narrative of violence to create the change we are looking for. Lately, we have seen racism on the forefront in the media and the reactions from people around the world to what has happened. Now is the time to bring RUIN to our everyday emotions and mentality and shift them to Jesus. He is the bridge to this seemingly everlasting gap in our world. He alone is the one who can help us simply become our best version of ourselves. The example that was set by Christ should be sought now more than ever because that is the best way to bring true joy and peace into this broken world. It takes faith just like the Israelites had in the book of Joshua. Faith that the creator of the world and everything in it will bring justice to his people. So, I challenge you to RUIN yourselves for Christ. Break down the barriers. Let him rebuild you the way he has created you to be built. Allow him to redirect your focus to his plan for your life. Be aware of the changes that will come and continue to produce for his for kingdom!


How can you RUIN yourself for Jesus?

What can you do to bring about positive change in your daily life?

What can you do to spread the name of Jesus in the world today?

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