“Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.” Exodus 3:1 NIV
Well friends, I’m going all in on this one … Mount Sinai is in Saudi Arabia PERIOD!!! There I said it and I tell you all about it in my new video “Middle East Trip Picture Day” at pastoraj.com. But first, look up at the Bible verse I’m showing you from Exodus. This verse CLEARLY marks the location of Sinai (also known as Horeb) being in ancient MIDIAN. In other words, if we’re looking for Sinai, we’ve got to start there. And my friend ancient Midian is in none other than northwest Saudi Arabia. As you know I recently saw these things for myself when I traveled to God’s holy mountain with my son Jake and our friend Andrew Jones of Discovered Media. In addition, we stopped at the traditional Sinai in Egypt and, well, it was a little underwhelming in terms of its potential to fill in these BIG Biblical shoes. If Sinai was in Egypt, the Red Sea crossing was little more than a stroll across the pond, the Israelites were little more than a small band of exiles (not the 2-3 million member nation the Bible seems to portray), and MOST importantly, Sinai is in the WRONG place. SINAI WASN’T IN EGYPT … IT WAS IN MDIAN. There, I got it all out and in my new video you can learn all about the INCREDIBLE sites I visited in SAUDI ARABIA, including: Sinai with its blackened peak, the alter of the golden calf, the split rock where water gushed forth, Elijah’s cave, Moses’ alter and MUCH more!
Why do you think it’s important that the Bible describes stories in a way that is historically accurate?
Have you ever considered that we could see some of the locations mentioned in the Bible (like Sinai) nearly untouched through the centuries?
Watch my new video “Middle East Trip Picture Day” at pastoraj.com and share your thoughts about my trip with a friend!