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The Power is in the PLAN

This year has definitely been one to remember. With the COVID-19 pandemic among us, many people have been gripped with fear and sadly many lives all over the world have been lost. With the amount of technology we have in America, information can be seen almost instantly. Coincidentally, this has also been one of the most polarizing presidential elections to date. With all of that being said, how many of us had a PLAN to experience a year like 2020? If I had to guess, there hasn't been a single person who planned on seemingly living out the year 2020 from their homes or kids receiving their education remotely. So many events have shaped the way we've had to live this year. But, there is someone who has a PLAN and has had one since the beginning of time- Jesus Christ. Not only has he not been affected by the things that have influenced us, but God has the means to provide strength throughout these unfortunate circumstances. God's PLAN has always been to save people from the fear we encounter in this world and use us to create change according to his will. When you move out of your PLAN and move into Gods, you're actually receiving the Spirit and allowing him to create positive change in your life. You begin to receive the power to push through and amazing things begin to happen! What worked for you last year (or even last week!) may not aid you as you continue in your life. You have to get rid of your PLAN for your life and let Jesus work his plan for you. As soon as you understand the importance of knowing that God will move in his own time, the little things that hinder you simply won't matter anymore. Remove yourself from the PLAN and enter into the life God has planned for you. It will not always be an easy road, but God has promised that no matter what happens you will be victorious! Be blessed!


Are you living your life according to Gods plan or your own?

Are you being faithful with what you'v been given?

How can you turn your fears and failures into glorifying Jesus?

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