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God Created Sex & Sexuality 💥

“Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” Matthew 19:4-6

Hello friends! I hope you’re ready for this one, because today I’m touching on the slightly taboo topic of human sex and sexuality. YIKES! I’m doing so because it’s more important today than ever and you can learn more about the topic in TWO of my new videos called “Gender Is Binary” and “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman” linked below. These opening verses are an interesting selection because they come straight from the mouth of Jesus and reveal his understanding of things. In fact, Jesus CLEARLY interpreted Genesis chapter one LITERALLY in every way but MOST IMPORTANTLY, and to today’s point, as it relates to human sexual relationships. What we learn is this: God created sex and sexuality! Seems simple, doesn’t it? Well it is. And so are the implications of Jesus’ beliefs. The FACT, that God “created” sex means that it isn’t something we can toy with and molest. It means that God made two (not twenty) genders. It means that marriage was defined by Jesus at the creation as a biological male being united ceremonially and sexually to a biological female. It also means that, along with everything else in creation, God made it GOOD. On the flip side, it means that (like everything else) sex and sexuality have been stained by the fall. So what we see today isn’t necessarily God’s ideal. Nonetheless, God made human beings “MALE and FEMALE.” Additionally, he gave them MARRIAGE as a place to enjoy the awesome gift of sex and sexuality. Today, more than ever, the enemy is sowing seeds of confusion on this topic into our families and ESPECIALLY as it related to our kids. But God says it’s simple and isn’t that awesome! This is NOT in any way an attack on those who see things differently and experience things like same sex attraction. Nor is it a band-aid to the complexity of this issue in our time. But it is an INVITATION to a better way of life. To God, you are more than your gender and sexuality. You are a human being made in his image. And when you put on Christ, your identity is found in him. What I hope everyone can see is that the Bible can be understood PLAIN and CLEAR. And that God offers EVERYONE true life and true freedom. That freedom is ONLY experienced in a lifestyle of obedience to the Lord Jesus as he is presented in the Bible. My prayers are that everyone who reads this will experience that true freedom IN JESUS through a new nature on the inside given by his Holy Spirit. This is the ONLY real way to live!


What does it say to you that God created human sex and sexuality? Have you ever considered this before?

What are some of our cultural “lies” presented about human sex and sexuality? How do some of these lies present themselves as “good” or “beneficial”?

Watch my videos “Gender Is Binary” and “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman” linked below. Do you think these are important issues for our time? Why or why not?

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