Verse for the Week: "And call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."Psalms 50:15 (NIV)
Study Reference for Small Groups: Judges 3:20-22
I recently discovered a TV showed called “Titan Games”. It was created by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and he selects a few contestants from thousands of people who try out to compete in some of the most physically and mentally exhausting challenges I have ever seen. Throughout the show, the background of the contestants is revealed to the audience and each of them has their own personal reasons for wanting to take a STAB at competing to be crowned the reigning Titan. The athletes are of superior physical and mental strength which result in some pretty epic battles between them.In the book of Judges 3:20-22, we see a lefty named Ehud who has simply had enough of what he’s been seeing the Israelites go through. On his way to see King Eglon, he decides to take a STAB at the man by delivering a message from God. A nice plunge to the gut and a clean exit, Ehud goes about his business having taken care of the problem. What must have been going through his head up until that moment? What was he thinking afterwards? What a savage!Let’s fast forward to today. Throughout this civil unrest we’re witnessing, many problems have been on full display in culture for every eye to see. Much like Ehud seeing the Israelites go through their struggles, we see people of different cultural backgrounds and areas of life struggling, whether in our personal lives or through the media. Who’s going to decide to take a STAB at unveiling the name of Jesus in the midst of turmoil? Life has a way of getting us back into a routine when things begin to cool. And often, this is where most problems occur. We choose to stop pushing as much; excuses are made for why we can’t continue. But we need to do the opposite! We must take every thought captive, make it obedient to God, and boldly move onward. Understanding that there’s no fear in Christ can awaken the savage in all of us and produce results we never expected to see! So, don’t submit to the things of this world. They’re only distractions from our purpose in Christ Jesus. Take a STAB at never settling and ask God to show you why you should never stop.
What can you do to make sure you never settle in your spiritual walk with Christ?
Are you unveiling the name of Jesus in your everyday life? If not, what are some changes you can make to work that into your daily routine?
How can you show people in the world what it means to be a spiritual savage?