“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone the new has come!”
2 Corinthians 5:17
Have you ever thought about your relationship with the Holy Spirit? One thing is clear: Once you’ve encountered him you are NOT the same … literally! That’s why I’m spending time studying the third person of the Trinity in my new series “He Is Fire!” In fact, I think understanding the Holy Spirit is key to unlocking the fullness of your Christian experience. That’s why Paul made this statement. He understood how the Holy Spirit makes things NEW. He makes your life new. He makes your experience new. He even makes your spirit new on the inside. He goes on to say that the “old has gone.” When you accept Christ as your Savior you are spiritually reborn on the inside. Below I share links to this week’s Bible study videos where I explore his role in our salvation and filling in more detail. The main thing I wanted to communicate to you today is that it’s a whole NEW experience! You are not the same person you were. But don’t stop with your salvation from eternal darkness and flames. That has been accomplished with your new birth. The Holy Spirit also gives you a brand new EXPERIENCE. So don’t stop following Christ. Ask him to fill you for service in this life. That’s what the early church did when they spoke in tongues, prophesied and saw the Spirit do incredible miracles through their hands. He will do the same things through you. You have his Word on it!
Have you been made new in Christ? If so, have you ever experienced the Holy Spirit in the same way the early church did?
Would you be willing to ask God’s Spirit to fill you in the same way he did to believers in the early church?
What do you think will happen?
