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Writer's picturePastor AJ

Why You MATTER 😀

“So God created mankind in his own IMAGE … male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them … “Fill the earth and SUBDUE it.”


Happy Lord’s Day friends! Has the thought ever entered your mind, “Do I even matter?” Well, I wanted to show you how the BIBLE answers that question.


You MATTER. Period.


And you can KNOW that you matter because God created you. This is your family heritage!


One of the things I’ve always tried to do with my sons is REMIND them of WHO they are and WHAT their family heritage is. I think this is SO important because in times of doubt you can find strength in identity.


Well, check this out. Not only are you God’s child through FAITH ALONE in Jesus, but God has also given you a MANDATE as his son or daughter!


And what exactly is this mandate? Your mandate is twofold: 1) to REFLECT God and 2) to RULE over the world. So, in short ….




No one can do this in your part of the world other than you AND you’ve been uniquely gifted to do it. When we’re all doing our part like this, the whole world will bring glory to God. Until then, don’t let others deter you from REFLECTING and RULING in your corner of the Creation because God will use YOU in a powerful way to make a difference! You have his Word on it and THAT is why you matter!!



Have you ever wondered if you MATTER?


What does it mean to you that God CREATED you?


How is Jesus calling you to REFLECT and RULE in your world?

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